A fitness challenge motivates many to work out more. I started my fitness challenge not just to stay in shape, but also to justify the cost of an iPhone.
The phone itself isn't so expensive; it's the monthly data plan. So I was challenging myself not just to work out regularly, but also to find free or inexpensive ways to do so.
While carrying an iPhone.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love my iPhone. But I pretty much stopped carrying a camera, and the iPhone's camera is not it's strongest suit.
Then I met the HTC Rhyme. This smartphone is really an amazing camera - with a built-in smartphone.
You can edit photos right on the Rhyme, changing settings for low or bright light, action shots, panorama.
The camera - er, phone - also comes with a docking station that you can use as an alarm clock.
Note that the Rhyme only comes in purple, so guys might be reluctant to carry it.
Disclaimer: HTC loaned Rhyme smartphones to TravelingMom bloggers on the recent retreat aboard Disney's Fantasy cruise ship. Photos, taken with the Rhyme, are from the cruise.
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